One of the challenges of learning about user stories is learning to refine and identify which user story size we are dealing with. Some teams struggle by creating big user [...]
It’s common to have an agile coach heater who will tell you that a Scrum team must use two-week sprints. Some recent analysis, though, shows that different timeboxes can [...]
I see a lot of different posts on LinkedIn and other sites occasionally bemoaning the idea of a sprint zero. These posts generally compare it to a project kickoff where the [...]
Over the years I’ve developed a theory around cooking. It comes from having spent some time as a short-order cook and cooking at home. It also evolved from speaking to a [...]
I recently saw a post from a friend of mine who’s very active in the Agile Denver community about “working toward better, not best”. And while I agree with the [...]
I recently read a couple of articles over on TechBeacon about Project Management. The first article I read was a rebuttal of the second, so I had to spend some time catching up [...]
It all started with this picture that Mike Cohn published over 10 years ago. In the explanation he briefly mentioned a hierarchal structure where multiple [...]
How to be effective with distributed agile teams is STILL a hot topic in my travels. I’m not exaggerating when I say it comes up in +90% of my coaching gigs. And the [...]
Book References Sort of the “Godfather” of the modern day, agile retrospective is Norm Kerth. I always try and mention norm and his work as a means of giving folks a sense [...]
My friend Josh Anderson has been studying and following Spotify’s approaches to agile team and organizational structure, both in general and in his leadership role at Dude [...]