I’ve been working with distributed teams for a long time – about twenty years now. Some of those teams have been based in Europe, some in India, and some across the [...]
When a company looks at nearshoring (or offshoring, but I obviously recommend nearshore) they’re faced with the question of whether to integrate the nearshore teams into [...]
Whenever I work with companies, the question of using agile with distributed teams comes up. So much so that I presented on that topic at Mile High Agile in 2016. Part of the [...]
In our last Meta-cast, Josh Anderson and I explored the good and the bad around defining roles and responsibilities in agile contexts. It’s a mixed bag really that requires [...]
I was talking with someone at a conference a few weeks ago and he asked the question: What do you think about the concept of “Elastic Teams”? To be honest, I’d never heard [...]
How to be effective with distributed agile teams is STILL a hot topic in my travels. I’m not exaggerating when I say it comes up in +90% of my coaching gigs. And the [...]
Learn more about Velocity Partners offshore software development company. Of course it’s going to happen. No matter how good an agile team is, eventually they’ll have a [...]
I’ve been sharing about agile methods for over ten years at conferences and workshops. One of the top three questions I always receive from attendees is: Does agile work with [...]
Book References Sort of the “Godfather” of the modern day, agile retrospective is Norm Kerth. I always try and mention norm and his work as a means of giving folks a sense [...]
By definition, agile development is a team sport. The emphasis is on teams working and delivering together. It’s not measured by how many user stories the development team [...]