When a company looks at nearshoring (or offshoring, but I obviously recommend nearshore) they’re faced with the question of whether to integrate the nearshore teams into [...]
When I was traveling for work a lot, I checked to see what kinds of agile events were happening there. Sometimes I found that a vibrant agile community (Agile Denver is one such [...]
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve spoken at conferences this year about creating a sustainable agile transformation. Our culture is often embedded in our policies [...]
I’ve been speaking a lot this year at various conferences (Big Apple Scrum Day, Music City Agile, and Agile 2017 to name a few) about the need to engage our Human Resource [...]
I just finished attending my favorite agile conference this year – Mile High Agile. Sponsored by Agile Denver, MHA is a medium-sized conference that still attracts outstan [...]
When I train agile teams – especially Scrum teams – I always bring up my experience as a developer starting with eXtreme Programming (at least my company’s [...]
Tanner Wortham is a ScrumMaster and coach who I’ve quoted on this blog before. He recently wrote a blog post entitled: When Can a ScrumMaster Say No which I read with [...]
I was reading an online HBR article the other day about leadership communication. Here’s the HBR article – https://hbr.org/2016/03/two-thirds-of-managers-are-uncomfortable-c [...]
I attended a training session just last week related to Scaling Scrum with Scrum.org’s the Nexus. It was an interesting framework and approach that I’ll write about later. I [...]
If there were one topic that seems to dominate all others in agile software development, I’d say its estimation. Every team seems to struggle with it and I’m always [...]