Technical spikes are a great way for teams to scope out some work that they don’t fully understand before they begin work on it. Spikes are used by teams to suss out or do [...]
Tasks automation Gulp is a powerful tool used for Tasks automation in web development. It has high functionality which allows you to efficiently complete multiple tasks like [...]
Picture this… You are in a software diner one evening after a long day at work. A tired and disheveled waitress walks up to you to take your order—gum smacking as she goes [...]
Company’s fifth Latin American development center slated to open in early 2013 BELLEVUE, Wash. (July 18, 2012) – Velocity Partners, an experienced, nearshore software [...]
Velocity Partners served as a Gold Sponsor and speaker at Ágiles 2011, the leading Latin American conference centered around agile software development. The conference was [...]
Velocity Partners is building a new development center in Uruguay. In close proximity to Velocity’s existing Argentine centers in Buenos Aires, Rosario and Paraná, the [...]
Information technology executives are faced with delivering ―more with less. This is an oxymoron of course as less is actually accomplished with less. Many technology [...]